Heerema Marine Contractors to Install Foundations, OSS on Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III

Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III OWF investors have signed contracts to transport and install foundations and offshore substations (OSS). The offshore operations will be carried out by Heerema Marine Contractors between 2026 and 2027, using, among other things, a heavy-lift crane unit.

Heerema Marine Contractors is a Dutch service contractor for the offshore wind sector. The company is experienced in installing offshore floating structures using its fleet of floating cranes. The contract includes transporting and installing 100 monopiles, transition components, and two offshore transformer stations.

During the installation of the components, the contractor will use a vessel called Thialf, equipped with a heavy lift crane. The vessel’s advanced capabilities mean that Thialf is being used for complex tasks in large-scale offshore wind projects.

All foundations (monopiles and jacket type) will be installed in 2026, while the so-called offshore substation topsides, will be installed in separate campaigns in 2026 and 2027.

The offshore wind farms Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III, with a total capacity of 1440 MW, will be located in the Polish exclusive economic zone of the Baltic Sea, between 22 and 37 km from the coastline. The first energy from the projects is expected to flow into the grid in 2027. The commercial phase of their operation is planned from 2028.

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