Samopodnośna platforma pływająca Kopernik-1 Geofizyki Toruń

The Polish consortium to carry out geological surveys for PGE Baltica

PGE Baltica, a PGE Group company, has signed an agreement with a consortium of companies: Geofizyka Toruń S.A., Przedsiębiorstwo Geologiczne GEOPROJEKT Szczecin sp. z o.o. and “PROJMORS” Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Morskiego sp. z o.o. for the execution of geological, including geotechnical and geophysical surveys and the resulting documentation for the land-sea drilling for the OWF Baltica 1. Our journalist were the first to inform about the awarded tender. Geological reconnaissance of the area is an essential element of the investment process related to the construction of offshore wind farms. Geotechnical and geophysical surveys are conducted to thoroughly investigate the ground…

Morska farma wiatrowa, fot. Pixabay

PGE and Ørsted sign another agreement for exporting power from Baltica 2 project

The contract relates the execution of steerable drilling under the beach necessary for routing 275 kV cable lines and the construction of so-called “connection couplers,” i.e. posts connecting offshore cable lines with onshore cable lines. The works will be carried out by a consortium of Polish companies – ROMGOS Gwiazdowscy and ZRB Janicki.
