European Energy at PSEW2024 – Invitation

On behalf of European Energy, leading Danish renewable energy, green hydrogen and e-methanol developer and investor, which is present in Poland since 2007, we sincerely invite you to meet at PSEW2024.

June 4, 14.30-16.00 “Onshore wind – where we are?”, Olga Sypula, Country manager of European Energy Polska will speak, European Energy is partner of the panel.

June 4, 14.30-16.00  “Kasso – largest in the world green hydrogen and e-methanol plant: financial aspects” keynote speech by Robert Adamczewski, Head of the Development of European Energy Polska at the panel “Energy storage, green hydrogen, cable pooling – does grid connection infrastructure sharing improve financing opportunities for RES”,

June 4, 16.00-16.30 “Green fuels – chance to add full advantage of the Polish Offshore Program”, European Energy hosts the speaking zone panel.

June 5, 15.00-15.30 How to accelerate the development of the green economy in Poland – possibilities of RES financing” European Energy hosts the speaking zone panel.

The established partnership with Mitsubishi, Mitsui & Co, Petrobras, TotalEnergies, Vårgrønn strengthened European Energy’s capacities in larger ambitions for the on/offshore wind and Power-to-X projects like green hydrogen and e-methanol production. We see green hydrogen and e-methanol production as an advantageous compliment for the large scale renewable  energy projects, especially for the off-shore wind, marking Poland as a leader for Power-to-X in Central and Eastern Europe in perspective. Already two Polish communities Barwice and Grzmiąca expressed interest in developing at their area of the hydrogen and e-methanol facilities, by signing the MoU with European Energy for starting the exploring the project opportunity. And on other side, demand for e-methanol in the shipping, transportation, chemical and plastic industries has been proved by signed off-taking agreements by the global leaders like Maersk, the LEGO Group, Novo Nordisk, Circle K of the e-methanol that will be produced soon at European Energy’s plant in Kasso, Denmark, of the total production capacity over 40 000 tonns per year.

Poland has a huge potential to develop offshore wind energy, which can become a key element of our future energy infrastructure with great importance for the development of our economy and for Polish companies that must compete on global markets. Especially, production of green fuels as hydrogen, e-methanol, sustainable aviation fuel using the offshore wind energy, will be able to decarbonize other Polish economic sectors, which are difficult to electrify just with green electricity.

See you soon at PSEW!

Best regards,

Olga Sypula

Country Manager, European Energy Polska

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